Whatever your profession or the business of your organisation, success, excellence and true achievement can be yours only if you possess people skills, basic human skills of interaction and communication…what we may name as soft skills or life skills.
Based on this IS has established a concrete identity as a serious business partner and consultancy in your journey to success. While you focus on your core business profits and strategies, we complement your efforts by ensuring on optimising your investment in people. we provide an array of services which go beyond the mundane processes of Human resource development by focusing on the power of the people…coz the success of your organisation, – whether an educational organisation, a large or small corporate – depends on the personal growth and effectiveness ofeach and every individual in your organisation. that is where Interactive Skills plays a major role.
Beyond being just another organisation, Is endeavours to be your premier partner, to walk hand in hand with you to develop your most valuable asset – your people.
Our Vision
To evolve as a premier organisation offering professional consultancy to business houses, educational organisations, youth and individuals in India and chosen markets with a focus on training, development and soft skills training.
Our Mission
To enrich lives of individuals from all walks of life by providing skills which go beyond any formal education…by providing interactive skills.
To build an outstanding organisation in the field of business consultancy and training in soft skills.
To create business partners and associates as we grow and create lasting meaningful relationships with clients and partners.
We Believe
Coz we are human, we think, we feel, we communicate and we are constantly interacting at any given moment of our lives….thus we need to equip ourselves and others with interactive skills.
Creativity, Innovation and flexibility should be the main feature of all our services, processes and solutions.
Grass Root level work goes a long way. Taking care of the basics will ensure success at all levels of work. We believe in fundamentals and thus believe in developing basic skill sets and processes.
We respect client expectations and the need to see tangible results. We strive to make a tangible difference to you and your organisation.
Always open to change and suggestions, we believe customer feed back is the best source of self-development. We respect and welcome your feedback.